„Most gong players are ignorant to the deep responsibility that comes when playing the meditation gong. Gongs can be so powerful and it is easy to overwhelm weaker people in the group. It is very important that before playing the meditation gong the guide bows to that power.“
Nanak Dev Khalsa (my gong-, yoga- & meditation-teacher)
Namaha in Sanskrit means salutations. To express deep devotion, ‘namaha’ is repeated. Actually “नमो नमः” (namo namaha) is originally “नमः + नमः” (namaha + namaha). This is a conjugation. As per Sanskrit grammar the Visarga (:) converts to “O” (ओ) when the upcoming letter is a short vowel ‘a’ or a soft consonant succeeds, in this case „N“ (न). So नमो नमः means, twice नमः or in other word “again and again नमः”
From the root namaha comes: namo = respect, salutation, adoration, to bow.
Gongnamo is a neologism (wordcreation) of the first part of the kundalini yoga adi (intro) mantra „ong namo guru dev namo“ and the word Gong.
so: gong + ongnamo = gongnamo.
therefore the complete meaning of gongnamo in my understanding is:
bowing to the power of the gong
bowing down before to the power of the gong
Also quite interesting to me is the chinese wording Gong Fu Cha which describes the art of a special tea preparation ceremony, involving the ritual preparation and presentation of tea.
I recently stumbled upon this term on the facebook site QiYinFusion and find it so fascinating. As i understand the word Gong in this context means „with perfect skill“.
Cha means „tea„. And Fu means „making, to do„. Coming back to the meditation gong and the healing art of gong meditations the term gong stands for the instrument itself as well as for the art and attitude the gong meditation guide should develop and perfectionize to provide a profund and nourishing sound healing experience.